This policy has been created based on multiple updated sources from within the Medical Profession and the UK Government. It outlines modifications to our normal procedures that we intend to employ now the COVID-19 pandemic peak is subsiding.
We would like to thank all of our patients for their patience during this period and for their understanding and cooperation whilst we implement these measures at the practice.
Our measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission
As the pandemic reduces we are working on restarting appropriate services but not at the same time. Maximising remote consultations, practicing social distancing and the wearing of PPE by all clinical staff.
It should be remembered that a medical practice is already a very clean environment compared to public areas and there is no evidence of COVID-19 transmission occurring in increased rates in GPs or their staff.
Please be assured that all our clinical staff will also be complying with our updated procedures to reduce the risk of cross infection in both directions.
Before attending the practice
A telephone or video consultation will be offered to assess your medical problem prior to your possible visit so that a provisional treatment plan can be proposed. We may also request that you send photographs (if appropriate to your complaint).
If you have coronavirus symptoms, (as outlined by NHS and UK Government), you should still self-isolate for 10 days. Please refer to for up to date advice and support.
If you are required to attend the practice we recommend that you limit close contact with other members of the public as far as possible when travelling to the practice.
Please endeavour to arrive no more than 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment and no more than 5 minutes after your appointment is scheduled, this is to reduce the amount of people in the practice at any one time.
We will meet all patients on arrival at the front door and bring them straight into the surgery where possible.
One adult is able to attend with a child or an adult carer with another adult, please do not bring additional family members with you unless they are happy to wait in the car or outside the building.
Arriving at the Practice
We ask that you sanitise your hands using the hand sanitiser available to you and wear a face covering, one will be provided if you do not have one. If you are unable to wear a face covering please advise the member of staff.
We intend to eliminate waiting inside the practice and at reception wherever possible.
If you need to use the WC, please let a member of staff know and they will direct you to the facilities. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before leaving. The restroom will be regularly disinfected between patients.
Once your appointment is finished please exit the building in a timely manner.
Practice Procedures
We have spent time critically looking at every aspect of the practice with a view to removing all non essential items that can potentially be a cause of infection, so you may find that the practice will appear to be quite bare if you attend.
All clinical and common areas, including door handles and surfaces, will be regularly disinfected in line with Government advice/guidance.
We will be providing a buffer period between patients to allow time for additional decontamination procedures, allow for any treatment overruns, and allow preparation time for the next patient so that they do not need to wait in the reception area.
Medical Procedures
All clinical and patient facing staff will be using personal protective equipment (PPE) in line with current recommendations and evidence.
We apologise in advance for the necessary reduction in social interaction that this will necessitate. Whilst our PPE may make us appear impersonal and distant, please be assured we are still the same friendly team underneath.
The vast majority of our patients are otherwise healthy without coronavirus infection and we are confident that we are able to provide normal medical care for these patients in as normal an environment as possible while bearing in mind our responsibility to mitigate risks of infection spread as far as is practically possible.
Our policies and procedures will be constantly reviewed and updated as necessitated by circumstances and the best available evidence over time.